Thursday, October 18, 2018


Today's topic is 7 warning signs need immediately more water.  Due to the fact that our body contains 70% water, it’s requirements to intake enough water on a daily basis in order to function accurately. Your blood is 83% water, your brain is 76% water and your lungs are astonishing 90% water. Moreover, both your muscle and kidney tissues are mostly water as well.

It’s extremely important to incorporate enough amount of water in our body since it loses water by urinating, sweating and through breathing. According to many experts, we require drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. Unfortunately, most people usually drink 2 cups on average.

For optimal hydration, men should drink up to 3 liters of water while women should drink 2.2 liters or 9 cups. Inadequate water intake causes mild dehydration which manifests through various symptoms.

1.   Dark urine

The first sign that you are not drinking enough water is dark urine. Those with healthy organism have light yellow urine. Your urine gets dark due to lacking intake of water and your kidneys excrete a “higher concentration of waste products in the urine, including dead blood cells, toxins, proteins and other products that need to be removed from the body.
Urine can also change its normal color due to certain drugs, B vitamins, food coloring, asparagus, Betts, blackberries, etc. If you become aware that your urine is dark for a few days, it means you have probably consumed something that has changed your urine color. Drink plenty of water to determine whether the color of your urine becomes lighter. On the other hand, if your urine is constantly dark, you are probably dealing with a severe health condition like gallstones or hepatitis, so consult your doctor.

2.   Dry and wrinkled skin

Many women use different creams and treatments in order to moisturize their skin and make it smooth, so they spend a lot of money and time. They use these creams and treatments frequently to reduce or prevent wrinkles and fine lines on their face.
However, there are some women that just drink plenty of water. According to Dr. Dianal Howard, dehydration is a causal factor to the irritated, inflamed, itching or sensitive skin. In some cases the skin becomes flaky and scaly, while in more severe ones, it becomes all red, bleeding and filled with cracks.
The wrinkles get more apparent when the skin lacks moisture and its cells shrivel. That’s why you require considering replenishing your skin with plenty of filtered water.

3.   Hunger and weight gain

Sometimes our body cannot make the difference between thirst and hunger.
The hypothalamus has the role to regulate both hunger and thirst, but sometimes it gets puzzled so instead of drinking water, you think you are hungry so you incorporate more calories which results in weight gain.
You need to maintain a healthy weight and drink appropriate amounts of water. In order to do that, the next time you feel hunger; just drink a glass of water before you reach for your favorite snack. If you are still hungry after 15 minutes, make yourself a nice dish.

4.   Reduced urination

A healthy person urinates 6 to 7 times within 24 hours. However, if you don’t drink enough water, your kidneys will try to keep as much water as possible in order to put off the body from dehydration. Make sure to increase your water intake if you go to the toilet less than 6 times per day. You should also check your overall health.

5.   Constipation

Constipation occurs most generally due to insufficient water intake because when you don’t drink enough water; your body will draw out it from every tissue, including the colon.
If your large intestine is well hydrated, your stool should be soft and easy-to-pass. Water lack results in harder stools.
In order to prevent constipation, you need to drink more water and consume more foods high in fiber. There are many other things that can reason constipation such as food sensitivity, stress, lack of physical activity, inflammation of the intestines and dysbiosis and hypothyroidism, If you drink sufficient water and still deal with constipation, check for any other causes.

6.   Joint pain

It is a well know reality that it lubricates the joints so the bones have no complexity sliding over each other. Therefore, if you don’t drink enough water you will harm your cartilage because the joints get nutrient deficient. Chronic dehydration causes irreversible damage. Increase your water intake, especially if you are dealing with joint pain.

7.   Poor immunity.

Dehydration means that you have more toxins in the blood which affects the immune system and your response towards diseases. In order to effortlessness, the elimination of waste material and fight against infections, keep your body hydrated.
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