Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Supernatural Rosemary That Murders Diseased Cubicles

Today our Topic is Supernatural Rosemary That Murders Diseased Cubicles. Soak the herb with the solvents you use, such as pure oil, but a 170-liter bin costs around 360 euros. You can use 99 percent isopropyl alcohol that you can find in a pharmacy. Alcohol absorbs more chlorophyll from herbs than oil.

The oil made from alcohol has a darker color. If the procedure is performed properly, there will be no residual solvent in the oil or there will be just a little bit. Grab the material from the herb, using a wooden stick or a similar tool.

The herbal material should be completely submerged. Crush it with the stick. While doing this, THC is separated from the herbal material in the solvent.
Do it all for about 5 minutes.
Preheat the oil/solvent mixture without the bulk material into another container. You have already extracted about 80 percent THC from the herbal material.
Second wash. Re-add a solvent in the bulk material and simmer for another 3 minutes to take out the remaining 20 percent THC.
Pour the oil/solvent mixture into the container that already contains the first blend you previously made.
Dispose of the herb material from which you have set aside THC.
Drain the oil/solution mixture through a coffee filter in a clean container.
Dry the solvent.
Add the mixture in a container up to ¾ volume.
When the whole solution evaporates, add several drops of water to the mixture. The amount of water you add depends on how much herbal material you had in the beginning.
Turn the container until the solution evaporates. Water droplets help to evaporate the remaining solution and somehow keeps the oil from overheating. The oil temperature should never exceed 140 degrees Celsius.
Carefully pour the oil into a cleaner metal container.
Place this container on a dehydrator or on a device that slowly heats. It may take several hours, but the water and the solution will evaporate from the oil. When there is no activity on the surface of the oil, the drug is ready for use.
Pour the hot oil in a bottle, or into a plastic syringe.
When the oil cools down, it becomes like thick fat.
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