Friday, September 21, 2018

Once A Week And Your Face Will Be 10 Years Younger - Magical Mask

Once A Week And Your Face Will Be 10 Years Younger
Japanese ladies and Chinese ladies are using this magical Mask have known for centuries – the surprisingly beneficial for skin healing benefits of rice water. Applying rice fiber and cellulose oil, rice bran powder and rice water on your skin can change the consistency and lucidity of the skin, meaning it can make skin smooth and silky eradicate dark spots. Also, you can enrich your diet with rice and use its antioxidant powers.

Rice is a rich source of linoleic acids and squalene, a dominant antioxidant that promotes the collagen assembly and fabrication in the skin. It is a substance that keeps the skin from wrinkling. In addition, squalene protects the skin from sun damage. The large amount of vitamin E and gamma-oryzanol are present in rice as well, which protects heart health and lowers cholesterol.

Once A Week And Your Face Will Be 10 Years Younger

Rice has surprising effects on skin revolution and not many people know this, except the Japanese and other European ladies.
We will give you a Magical recipe of a rice-based mask that softens wrinkles and makes your skin glow.
To prepare the mask, you will need:
– 3 tablespoons rice
– 1 tablespoon milk
– 1 tablespoon of honey

After you boil the rice, damage it and put aside the water in which the rice boiled. Add a spoon of heated milk in the rice and mix them. After you stir the combination well, add honey to it.
Pertain the mask on clean, dry skin and let it dry. Afterward, take off the mask and wash your face with water in which the rice boiled.
Rice water has antioxidant and curative properties that moisturize the skin and get better flow, avoid age-related spots and straightforwardness redness. Rice water will give you healthy, clear and more moisturized skin. Also, it offers you a mild sun heat protection.
Do these practice once a week at least, if you want to feel the benefits and look at least ten years younger.

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